模具设计中镶件设计的要点 |
添加时间:2022/11/17 15:12:54 浏览次数: |
模具设计中镶件设计的要点 Key points of insert design in die design 镶件是与原身留相对应的,当一个模仁是一整块钢料组成之时,便是原身留,当由多个工件组成之时,除了主体的钢料外的镶嵌进去的零件就可以称之为镶件了。其实镶件最大的缺点是降低了模具本身的强度。但镶件却可以使用不同的材质而单独加大了薄弱部位的强度。 The inlay is corresponding to the original. When a die is made up of a whole piece of steel, it is the original. When it is made up of many workpieces, the inlaid parts in addition to the main steel can be called the inlay. In fact, the biggest disadvantage of inserts is to reduce the strength of the mold itself. But inserts can use different materials to increase the strength of weak parts individually. 我们先来了解了解什么情况需要镶件,什么情况需要镶件: Let's first understand what conditions need inserts, and what situations need inserts. 1、节省材料。后模的定料是由最高点决定的,如果只是单一的一处形状比较规则的高起时,可以把这一块镶起来,以便定料时,可以定矮点。 1, save materials. The setting of the back die is determined by the highest point. If only a single point with a regular shape is raised, this piece can be inlaid so that the shortest point can be fixed. 2、方便加工。在加工的设备之中,速度最慢,精度最差的是EDM,所以有时为了尽量避免EDM加工,会选择作镶件。 2, convenient processing. In the processing equipment, the slowest speed, the worst accuracy is EDM, so sometimes in order to avoid EDM processing as far as possible, will choose as inserts. 3、方便排气。特别是一些深的骨位,EDM加工排液不良,成型时排气不良,这时往往需要采取镶件。 3, convenient exhaust. Especially in some deep bone positions, EDM processing drainage is not good, poor molding exhaust, often need to take inlay. 4、保证精度。磨床是加工精度最高的,有时,为了保证精度,以方便磨床加工为准。 4, ensure accuracy. The grinding machine has the highest machining accuracy. Sometimes, in order to ensure accuracy, it is convenient to grinder machining. 5、互换要求型线 流水槽模具 景观石 检查井钢模具 保定通风管道 重庆窗帘 隔离墩模具 保定保洁公司。有时客户要求同一个产品如换个标签位之类的,做互换镶件。 5, exchange requirements. Sometimes customers want to make interchangeable inserts for the same product, such as changing labels. 6、方便省模。有些深的位置,省模相当的不方便,于是做成镶件。 6, convenient mode. Some deep positions are quite inconvenient, so they are made into inserts. 7、改模方便。有的位置易磨损或是精度要求太高,出于改模之考虑,做成镶件。 7, mold modification is convenient. Some locations are easy to wear or require too high accuracy. 8、散热考虑。这个主要是指铍铜镶件。 8, heat dissipation considerations. This refers mainly to beryllium copper insert |
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