塑料模具抛光的一般过程如下 |
添加时间:2022/11/3 16:48:32 浏览次数: |
塑料模具抛光的一般过程如下 The general polishing process of plastic mould is as follows: 1、精抛 1. Refinement 精抛主要使用钻石研磨膏。若用抛光布轮混合钻石研磨粉或研磨膏进行研磨的话,则通常的研磨顺序是9μm(#1800)~ 6μm(#3000)~3μm(#8000)。9μm的钻石研磨膏和抛光布轮可用来去除#1200和#1500号砂纸留下的发状磨痕。接着用粘毡和钻石研磨膏进行抛光,顺序为1μm(#14000)~ 1/2μm(#60000)~1/4μm(#100000)。精度要求在1μm以上(包括1μm)的抛光工艺在模具加工车间中一个清洁的抛光室内即可进行。若进行更加精密的抛光则必需一个绝对洁净的空间。灰尘、烟雾,头皮屑和口水沫都有可能报废数个小时工作后得到的高精密抛光表面。 Precision polishing mainly uses diamond abrasive paste. If the polishing wheel is mixed with diamond grinding powder or abrasive paste for grinding, the usual order of grinding is 9 micron (0) ~ 6 micron (3000) ~ 3 micron (). 9 micron diamond abrasive paste and polishing cloth wheel can be used to remove hair-like abrasion marks left by #1200 and #1500 sandpaper. Then polishing was carried out with adhesive felt and diamond abrasive paste, in the order of 1 micron () ~ 1/2 micron () ~ 1/4 micron (100000). The polishing process with accuracy of more than 1 micron (including 1 micron) can be carried out in a clean polishing room in the die workshop. A more precise polishing requires an absolutely clean space. Dust, smoke, dandruff and saliva foam are all likely to be scrapped for hours to get high-precision polished surfaces. 2、粗抛 2. Rough throwing 经铣、电火花、磨等工艺后的表面可以选择转速在35 000-40 000 rpm的旋转表面抛光机或超声波研磨机进行抛光。常用的方法有利用直径Φ3mm不锈钢铸件 保定建筑设计 螺杆式启闭机 保定搬家 电缆挂钩 保定室内设计培训 冲压机、WA # 400的轮子去除白色电火花层。然后是手工油石研磨,条状油石加煤油作为润滑剂或冷却剂。一般的使用顺序为#180 ~ #240 ~ #320 ~ #400 ~ #600 ~ #800 ~ #1000。许多模具制造商为了节约时间而选择从#400开始。 After milling, EDM, grinding and other processes, the surface can be polished by a rotary surface polishing machine or an ultrasonic polishing machine with rotating speed of 35 000-40 000 rpm. The commonly used method is to remove the white EDM layer by using the wheels of diameter 3mm and WA 400. Next is the manual lapping of tar stones, with strip tar and kerosene as lubricants or coolants. The general use order is #180 ~ #240 ~ #320 ~ #400 ~ #600 ~ #800 ~ #1000. Many die manufacturers choose to start with squid in order to save time. |
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