电缆槽模具也被称为电缆沟盖板模具 |
添加时间:2022/8/4 15:41:35 浏览次数: |
电缆槽模具也被称为电缆沟盖板模具、水泥盖板模具。我们通常所说的铁路公路盖板模具大部分指的就是电缆槽盖板模具。电缆槽盖板模具的大小规格不尽相同,一般较大型号的电缆槽模具采用ABS为原材料。电缆槽盖板模具经常会在盖板上添加一些图案用来起到装饰作用和防滑作用。 The cable groove die is also called the cable groove cover plate mold and the cement cover plate mold. The most commonly referred to the railway highway cover die is the cable groove cover plate mold. The size and size of the die for the cable groove cover plate are different, and the ABS is used as the raw material for the larger type of cable groove die. The cable groove cover mold often adds a number of patterns to the cover plate to play the role of decoration and anti skid. (1):电缆槽模具槽体构件尺寸在满足使用功能的同时高和宽相对减小,减少工程的土石方挖掘量、节省工时、加快工程进度; (1): the size of the slot body components of the cable slot can meet the use function while reducing the height and width, reducing the excavation volume, saving time and speeding up the progress of the project. (2):电缆槽模具槽与槽之间连接缝隙很保定平面设计培训 保定空调维修 保定管道通风 包装盒定做 化粪池模具 废旧电缆回收 不锈钢铸件 小,连接的过程中不需要抹灰,为了达到有泄水作用; (2): the joint gap between the groove and the groove of the cable groove is very small, and there is no plastering in the process of connection, in order to achieve the discharge effect. (3):电缆槽模具构件采用高频振动、高压压制而成,具有密实度高、韧性好的特点;电缆槽可打泻水孔;侧壁可打孔有利于接线盒的固定安装; (3): the mould of the cable slot is made of high frequency vibration and high pressure. It has the characteristics of high density and good toughness. The cable slot can drain holes, and the side wall punching is conducive to the fixed installation of the junction box. (4):电缆槽模具边角的R型设计,内部采用优质原料,分散性好、延长电缆槽模具的使用寿命,这些都可有效节省成本的; (4): the R design of the side and corner of the cable slot mold, which uses high-quality raw materials, dispersing well and prolonging the service life of the cable slot mold, all of these can effectively save the cost. |
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