高速钢模具具有的特殊性质 |
添加时间:2022/6/23 15:38:23 浏览次数: |
高速钢模具具有的特殊性质 Special properties of high speed steel mould 工艺的完善性、紧密性造就水泥道牙钢模具模盒非凡的利用空间与市场需求是我们发展的唯一方向,目前国内的水泥道牙钢模具模盒制作工艺还不是很完善但是我们仍在继续努力实现水泥道牙钢模具模盒发展的新时期。水泥道牙钢模具模盒的制造一样通常都要颠末铸造、切削加工、热处置处罚等几道工序。为包管水泥道牙钢模具模盒的制造质量,低落生产本钱,其质料应具有精良的可锻性、切削加工性、淬硬性、淬透性及可磨削性;还应具有小的氧化、脱碳敏感性和淬火变形开裂偏向。 The only direction of our development is to make full use of the space and market demand of the cement road teeth steel mold box. At present, the manufacturing technology of the cement road teeth steel mold box in China is not perfect, but we are still trying to realize the new era of the development of the cement road teeth steel mold box. The manufacturing of the steel mould box for cement road teeth usually goes through several processes such as casting, cutting and heat treatment. In order to guarantee the manufacturing quality and reduce the cost of production, the material should have excellent malleability, machinability, hardenability, hardenability and grindability, as well as small oxidation, decarburization sensitivity and quenching deformation cracking tendency. 1、 可锻性具有较低的热锻变形保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定空调移机 保定太阳能维修 保定厨房排烟 雄安管道通风抗力,塑性好,铸造温度范畴宽,锻裂冷裂及析出网状碳化物偏向低。 1. The forging property has low hot forging deformation resistance, good plasticity, wide casting temperature range, and low forging crack, cold crack and precipitation network carbide tendency. 2、退火工艺性球化退火温度范畴宽,退火硬度低且颠簸范畴小,球化率高。 2. The annealing process has a wide range of spheroidizing temperature, low hardness, small bumping range and high spheroidizing rate |
上一页 模具制造的精加工工序 |
下一页 电缆槽模具也被称为电缆沟盖板模具、 |
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