电缆槽作业施工要求 |
添加时间:2022/3/16 15:43:38 浏览次数: |
电缆槽作业施工要求 Construction Requirements for Cable Channel Operation 施工准备 Construction preparation 施工前对振捣平台等设备的运转情况进行检查,对施工人员的岗位资格进行核实。运至预制现场的砂、碎石、水泥、钢筋等原材料要进行抽样检验。施工场地及电缆槽成品存放场地建设完成。 Before construction, check the operation of vibration platform and other equipment, and verify the www.gangmoju.com.cn www.gaibanmoju.org.cn www.hupomojuu.cn www.hupomoju.org.cn www.ludenggan.net.cn www.feijiudianlan.cnqualifications of construction personnel. The raw materials such as sand, gravel, cement and steel bars transported to the prefabricated site shall be sampled and inspected. Construction site and storage site for finished products of cable trough have been completed. 施工工艺 construction technology 1、钢筋加工 1. Processing of Reinforcement Bars 按设计施工图《铁路路基电缆槽》图号:通路(2010)8041的设计要求对进场合格的钢筋进行下料加工。并对下料的钢筋尺寸、规格验收,合格后方可使用。 According to the design and construction drawing "Railway Subgrade Cable Channel" drawing number: access (2010) 8041 design requirements for the entry grid of steel cutting processing. After acceptance of the size and specifications of the steel bars, they can be used only after they are qualified. 2、模板加工 2. Template Processing 根据设计施工图《铁路路基电缆槽》图号:通路(2010)8041的电缆槽结构尺寸形式及现场施工用的电缆槽形式加工电缆槽硬塑料定型模具。电缆槽模具进场验收合格后方可使用,在使用过程中随时检查模具是否损坏,如有损坏清除淘汰。 According to the drawing number of "Railway Subgrade Cable Slot": the cable groove structure size form of 8041 channel (2010) and the cable groove form used in field construction, the rigid plastic mould for cable groove is processed. Cable groove dies can be used only after they have passed the acceptance test. In the process of using, check whether the dies are damaged at any time, and eliminate the damages if they are eliminated. |
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