电缆槽模具 |
添加时间:2018/1/18 14:42:18 浏览次数: |
施工工艺 construction technology 1、钢筋加工 1. Reinforcement processing 按设计施工图《铁路路基电缆槽》图号:通路(2010)8041的设计要求对进场合格的钢筋进行下料加工。并对下料的钢筋尺寸、规格验收,合格后方可使用。 According to the design and construction drawings "railway subgrade cable groove" figure number: the path (2010) 8041 of the design required to enter the qualified rebar processing. And check the size and specification of the rebar, and can be used after being qualified. 2、模板加工 2, template processing 根据设计施工图《铁路路基电缆槽》图号:通路(2010)8041的电缆槽结构尺寸形式及现场施工用的电缆槽形式加工电缆槽硬塑料定型模具。电缆槽模具进场验收合格后方可使用,在使用过程中随时检查模具是否损坏,如有损坏清除淘汰。 According to the design and construction plan "railway subgrade cable trench" figure No.: the structure and size of the cable slot (2010) 8041 and the form of cable slot used for the construction in the field are used to manufacture the cable groove hard plastic mould. The cable groove dies can be used after acceptance, and check the die damage at any time in the use process, if the damage is eliminated and eliminated. 3、钢筋安装 3. Installation of steel bar 电缆槽钢筋在钢筋加工场地绑扎完成(模外绑扎),电缆槽模具进场经验收合格后并清理干净,脱模剂涂刷均匀后。将电缆槽钢筋整体装入电缆槽模具中,并调整保护层间距直至满足设计及规范要求。 The cable slot reinforcement is finished at the steel processing area, and the cable slot mold enters the field after acceptance. After that, the cleaning agent is cleaned and the agent is evenly coated. The cable slot steel bar is loaded into the cable groove die, and the distance between the protective layer is adjusted to meet the design and specification requirements. |
上一页 电缆槽模具设计5大优势 |
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